Apples with Lemon Zest & Honey

Apples with Lemon Zest & Honey Enjoy a very refreshing, light, and cleansing snack of apples with lemon zest and honey to help pick up and stimulate Kapha energy! Ingredients 1 whole raw apple 1tsp honey 1pinch lemon zest To Prepare Zest a lemon, (try rolling the lemon along the grater to peel off the…

Sweeteners To Nourish Kapha Dosha

Sweeteners To Nourish Kapha Dosha Although any foods and drinks that contain refined sugars or corn syrup can be especially detrimental and should be avoided as much as possible. *Sweeteners are better avoided when trying to pacify Kapha dosha. The one exception is honey, which can serve well when used in small quantities. Sweeteners to…